my oc - Ava Berry

Age: 13
Height: 4'6
Nationality: German
Personality: silly, clumsy, joyful
Occupation: Wizard/Sorcerer
Abilities: summoning angry ghost cats, shooting out stars with her wand that explode upon impact, a healing zap that can only work on others, a book of various spells like temporary invisibility or fire resistance.
shes very fast but fragile, she also has a lot of mana so she can use her abilities for extended periods of time.
Special Abilities: BERSERK Mode, this ability cannot be activated on demand, in order for this to be activated she must be angered enough. When active, she will be literally immortal and extremely aggressive, as well as have infinite mana no matter what.
BFW-9000 (big fricking wand 9000), this ability can be activated on demand. when active, she will charge all of her mana (spammable when in berserk mode) into her wand, releasing a giant stream of energy. when the streams find their target, they release all of their stored energy in a fraction of second, delivering an electrical shock that instantly boils the blood and fatty tissue of the recipient. spontaneous explosion of the subject often follows. can easily clear out an army of opponents.

Likes/Hobbies: reading books, drinking chocolate milk, practicing her spells

Backstory: when she was 8, she wanted to become a wizard. however, her parents didn accept her decision and abandoned her, making her an orphan. she later built herself a wizard tower and resides with her cat named MÜLLERMILCH SCHOKO-GESCHMACK (Müller for short)

art (made by me, my friends and other ppl!)

Ava Berry